Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spend One Day Single Tasking

I love helping people be productive.
One of the traps I outline in Time Traps is The Organization Trap: Wasting Time Juggling Unecessary Tasks. The biggest challenge with productivity is focus. And, multi-tasking actually dilutes performance, rather than improves it. Single tasking is the new strategy of the day. You get more done. You are more focused. You create higher quality. You are more efficient! And, in the commission world, you make more money.

One of my friends is best-selling author Tim Sanders. His newest book, Saving the World at Work is a great read and he is all about productivity and health in the workplace. This was a post he had recently and I thought I would share it with you.

Today I was almost run over by a distracted driver. She was talking on her cell phone, fiddling with the radio and balancing a cup of Starbucks as she drove. A drunk driver would have been less dangerous.

A few years ago, when working at Yahoo, I saw a distracted manager slowly strangle his group with ineffectiveness. He never did one task at a time, no he was a multi-task master. He grazed on email, surfed the web, hacked away at a spreadsheet and talked on his speakerphone -- all while meeting with his direct reports. He thought he was being super effective, in fact he was hopelessly dilluted (or deluded).

Do you really think that driving is a no-brainer, leaving you excess capacity to spend on a cell phone call? (which is also illegal) Do you really think that your work projects are so easy that you can do them in your sleep? Do you really think you have the mental strength to try and juggle several tasks with freaking out?

Stop multi-tasking. Let it go. For one day, I suggest next Monday, single task everything you do. If you are going to check email, schedule that time and ONLY do that. If you have a meeting, leave all devices and stray thoughts at your desk and fully pour your attention into the meeting. Working on a report? Just do the report and turn off your email client or web browser. Most likely, you'll find that your work is much better when you single task. Try this when you drive too. Just drive. We'd all appreciate it.

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