Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NEW POST: Learning to Surf

Amazing....I told my friends I was learning to surf and asked for advice. Here's the top 10 list. Pretty funny I think.

Top 10 Pieces of Advice for Learning to Surf

1. Don’t fall
2. Protect your nipples
3. If you see a fin coming out of the water, paddle fast
4. Keep your mouth closed
5. Watch out for sharks
6. Advil
7. Make sure you are on water
8. Have fun
9. Pee in your wetsuit for warmth
10. Don’t act like an injured seal

1 comment:

  1. Here are a few from my perspective having grown up surfing...and in no particular order.

    1-Use a longboard (9'6" or longer)
    2 - Your board floats, if you fall off, be more concerned with saving yourself than your board. You can always swim to where your board has gone.
    3 - If you wipe out, don't fight the tumbling. Just take a deep breath as you are going down. Remember that...breathing is sort of critical to being able to catch that next wave. : )
    4 - Learn in Hawaii if at all possible. It's beautiful and there's more motivation to maintaining balance and staying on your board (note the coral reefs you will be surfing over).

    Other than that, I'd have to agree with your Top 10, especially 8.

    Nice post, Todd.

